Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A few pics of Beckham and Adventures with My Parents Skip and Barb

Beckham's first smile for the camera!
I could not get this photo to rotate but it was too cute to not put in here. He is so alert and has his eyes open so often. We do not remember our other boys being this way. Such a content little guy.
So Sweet
Picnic By the River

We wanted to take Lennix and Jensen to COSI on the last day of Jay's break. Yet again, I did not check and it was closed to the public. So, instead we took a walk down by the river and we went under this cool bridge to go see a pirate ship that is docked right down town in the river. It was really fun and I am kind of glad that COSI was closed.
We decided to stop and have a picnic on the other side of COSI which is right by the river. Lennix and Jensen had a good time playing on these big steps. It was such a pretty day to be outside.
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Beckham! I love those cheeks.
Sweet slumber
Lennix is growing up so fast. We went to dinner with my parents to the Olive Garden and while we were there they gave each of the boys these papers to color. Lennix was focused and colored his paper almost the entire time. It was amazing how well he was coloring and how content he was. After that, he now wants to color all the time and of course he gives most of his colored pages to his best friend Brooklyn.
These are the beautiful flowers that my parents brought to me while I was in the hospital. It was so thoughtful of them and I wish flowers would last forever.
Of course almost all new babies spend a good amount of time in a beanie. As soon as we brought Beckham home from the hospital Lennix started asking where his beanie was and if he and Jensen could wear theirs. They all looked so cute that I had to take a picture. Isn't that so sweet?
Hang'n out with Grandpa
One of my favorite memories with my dad was when he would rough house with us kids and let us climb the tree (his legs) and also bench press us like in these photos. It was really fun to see my kids enjoy doing the same thing I used to enjoy doing with my dad. He's a good Grandpa Skip.
Lennix loves holding his baby brother
I walked into the boys room right before I was going to put them to bed and I found both of them and my mom singing Twinkle Twinkle together. It was so sweet. I so wish my kids could be closer to all their grandparents so that they could have more of these wonderful times with them. On the other had, maybe it's even sweeter because it is such a big deal when they do get to see them. They are sure lucky to have such wonderful grandparents on both sides.
Dayton Air Force Museum

I was so glad that we were able to take my parents here. Especially my dad. My friend, Tabby's dad is one of the big guys at Dayton Air Force. I don't know his exact title but he is a Historian for them and knows just about everything when it comes to the planes and their stories. We got so lucky to have him take us on a tour and tell us some awesome stories about LDS pilots, the romance behind some of the planes, and some really cool information that we would not have known if it wasn't for him. Everything he told us was so interesting that I think we could have stayed there many more hours but the museum closed at 5pm and yup, we stayed till then.

My dad loving every second
Us with our tour guide Rob

All the boys were so good for us during the museum. Lennix and Jensen had so much fun and actually, for it being their third time there, they were really interested in a lot of the stories and just looked around and enjoyed being there. These pictures were taken near the end of our tour. They got out and started wrestling on the ground. It was really funny so I snapped a few pics.
BBQ at Battelle

Beckham looks so small in his car seat.
Tabby manning the kids table
Chatting while our food cooks
How could we have anyone else BBQ our food when you have the professional around
We took a walk down to the river to see if there were any crawdads to catch
We did catch a few but they were tiny
This was during our walk. I still couldn't believe my parents were actually there in Ohio with us. It was so much fun to show them some of the places we love to take our family and friends.
Always have to throw a few rocks
Our first family photo with Beckham

Jensen was so tired after our day at Kirtland that he looked at me and said "I hold you" and so I put my had on his cheek and he dropped his head in to my hand and within minutes he was fast asleep. I thought it was so cute.
Jay had an opportunity to take a free invisiline course over at the school that would other wise cost him quite a bit of money. So, as he went to that, all the rest of us jumped into the car and drove up to Kirtland for the day. We started at the Temple and I have already been there so I took the boys over to the park while my parents toured inside. After that, my sister in law Julie met up with us and we all went over to the LDS visitors center and walked around.

This was coming from the mill. The grounds are so beautiful.
There is such a different feeling at the LDS church site. I love the peacfulness that is there and all of the amazing stories that they tell during the tour.
I had never been over to the Mill and it was fun to walk around a different part than what Jay and I had done before.
I think this is the best part of the tour. This is where Newel Whitney let Joseph and his family live in the upstairs of their store and it is also where the School of the Prophets was (my personal favorite part).
On our drive up to Kirtland my dad saw a big sign that said "Grandpa Cheesbarn". My dad was compelled to go. I love that if my parents see anything that interests them on a road trip there is no question about stopping and seeing what fun memories they could have there. This little botique/cheese shop was quite a find. In the downstairs is where you can buy all sorts of homemade crafts and keepsakes and then when you go upstairs that is where you can buy just about every type of cheese you can imagine. My dad was in heaven. There were over a hundered different cheesed that we could taste test and think my dad may have sampled half of them. In the end my favorite was the basil Pesto Cheddar Cheese and my dad's was the smoked maple Cheese. It was really fun to stop there. I have to take Jay there sometime seeing that he is also a cheese lover.


Holman Family said...

How did you get all of this posted already? You are amazing. It really was just one week and a day since you had your baby. You must be feeling great. I am now officially ready for my baby to come. It is the 23rd and I am due on the 27th. I still think he'll come early and I think he'll be a big boy. We'll let you know.


Daphne said...

Oh mel-Beckham is just perfect! I can't wait to meet him in person...only a few more days! We love you all!!

Daphne said...
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Ken and Shari Talbot said...

It was great to see all your new pictures, and I can't believe you are up and moving around so much so soon. That is great. It was good to see all your kids and how big they are getting. Love you
Shari, Ken and the kids

Jamie said...

Congrats Mel he is an absolute doll! Wish you lived closer so I could see him in person, but those pictures are adorable! Congrats!!

P.S. I love Kirtland too!! Especially the N.K. Whitney store... so awesome!

Tyler and Sunni said...

My goodness Mel, what a beautiful boy. Congratulations!

Sherice said...

Holy cow Mel! He is so precious. I want to kiss those cheeks! You guys did good- once again. All of your boys are adorable. Sounds like you guys have been on some great adventures already. Congratulations!!

Whitney said...

Congrats on your new cute little baby! He is adorable! You look fabulous as always!

Kelly Nordfelt said...

Congrats! All your little boys are too cute! I hope one day I will get to see them again!

Kaydee said...

He is beautiful...Congrats mel and you look great too (no surprise there either!) tell jay congrats too!

Sidsie and Derek said...

Congratulations! He is adorable