Monday, November 3, 2008

First days in Ohio

Oh Cute! He looks so professional for his first day of Orientation. Back to School he goes.
This is Lennix's new hobby when I forget to put away my pens. I think he has a radar, or he watched my every move to see when and where I am going to put my pen. Then he takes it and either hides in my closet or on the other side of his bed and goes to town. Whenever it gets quiet around here, I know something fishy is going on. Mom, does that sound familiar, or what!?
Jay is amazing. This is what the ABF trailor looked like with all of our stuff. I was afraid that if he moved one item the whole thing would fall because there was so much stuff in such a small area. Well, as we started to unpack about 4 other people came over and helped us unlod the whole trailor in about an hour and a half. It was so fast and we were so grateful for the help!
When we flew out here to look for a house and then decided to move into these apartments (Golf Point), the office manager Katie told us that they had not yet painted our apartment and if we wanted to, we could go pick out our paint colors and they would paint it for us. We were so excited. When we showed up we were really pleased with the color that we chose and now we wish we would have taken them up on the offer to paint the other rooms.
We wanted to get all the rest of the painting done before all of our stuff came. Jay was a good sport.
It actually went a lot faster than expected.
Jensen had never really been on a swing before and he loves it. He loves to go a little it higher ever time we swing. It's all about the simple things in life.
This is the play area that is right out side of our back deck. Jay's head is actually right over our deck. We are here just about everyday and there is usually 2 or 3 other girls that come out with their kids and we either just chat or figure out something fun to do for the next day. I love it.
This is our apartment. We moved got here about 3 days before our truck with all of our stuff came. It was actually really fun to sleep on blankets and the blow up matress. It felt like we were camping indoors. The kids slept really well also. Just a side note. On the 2nd day we were here Ohio received part of the Hurricane Ike and we lost power for 36 hours. We went over to eat at our friends Lundon and Adriane Albrecht and we played games over candlelight. It was actually really fun and memorable. Good thing we had our cell phones that acted like our flashlights when we went home that evening because as you can tell, we didn't have any other alternative sources to turn to. 


::David and Erin:: said...

I thought they were supossed to paint the apartment for you???