Monday, September 29, 2008


My brother-in-laws brought these segways up for everyone to ride. After I conquered my fear I really enjoyed riding them. 
Having a little smooch with my buddy Jensen
Snowbird starts on a Saturday so we have started a tradition that on Sunday we take a hike (well, my Dad finds a spot off the beaten path-where we probably should not be) and we have family home evening. This is a picture of this years FHE. I think it's quite funny that it looks like we have hung the kids from the trees and are happily having a spiritual message surrounding them. I don't think they would approve this at church head quarters! :)
This was one of the hikes that we took during the week. The sun was just setting and the mountain looked awesome. The moon is a nice touch also!! Oh, I love Snowbird.


{jane} said...


If Daphne never posts on her blog again - at least I have yours to see what you are all doing! Snowbird looks like it was a blast, your little family is beautiful!