Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Talbot Family January 2008


Kelly Nordfelt said...

YEAH! CONGRATS! I am so excited for you guys! What an awesome blessing! However, I am a little sad that we won't be neighbors in Ohio. :)
I am sad we didn't hear from you when you were here for a wedding. Let's meet up again before you leave for Ohio!

Unknown said...

You look so GOOD!! I am so jealous, Noah is 13 months old and I still don't look that good! Your kids are darling and just looking at Lennix I can tell that he has such a happy outlook on life! What a cute family!

Terri said...

Mel you look amazing!!! And I love your pictures of your wee babe. I was just at Gary and Joanns farwell for their mission and got to see your family. Love the new babes. How fun, at least I know I will see you at Jarems wedding. :)
Love you!!! Ohhhhh and CONGRATS ON OHIO.....AWESOME.

Amanda said...

Look how cute you guys are!!! You are such a babe. It's funny how close in age our kids are! How exciting about Ohio. Adrianne and Lundon are in Columbus!!!

Amanda said...

Melinda is going to be in Cedar this summer...we'll have to get together when I go to visit!!!

The Morrells said...

Melanie, I don't know if you remember me, but I was in your ward in Cedar City for a while and I used to go into that home decor store that you used to work at. I saw your name from someone else's page and recognized it so I clicked on your link and then I was like I know that girl. Anyways, we moved when you were pregnant with your first baby, so it's awesome to see that you now have 2 darling little boys. Congrats on getting into Dental School too. That is awesome! It is fun to see you on here.
-Cherish Morrell

Julie Young said...

Hey Melanie, This is Julie Young, I use to be in your ward. Anyway, I just came across your blog and thought I would say hi and see how things are going for your little family. I can't believe you have two little boys, how cute. It's crazy how fast time flys

Tina said...

Hey guys, this is Tina and Josh Williams from Bishop Heaton's ward. Hope you don't mind I found your blog from my sister Julie's site. Your little boys are so cute. Congrats on Dental school, that is so exciting!

The Whitehead Family said...

Mel, Its Sarah Sidwell. We have heard about you from the Askeroths, but I thought Id write too. Congrats on dental school. My brother Joseph (the one that sang in RS once when I did the lesson) got in to Ohio State too, but he decided to go to Iowa instead. He got accepted into 4 schools. Too bad they aren't going to the same place or your could hang out with my sister in law. She is also home with 2 boys-identical twins only a month old. You looks so great! Take Care!

Daphne said...

We hear we might see you this weekend!! Yay! And by the way, wan't that such a great weekend at the cabin? We had the best time and loved it that you were there! See you soon!

Daphne said...

We hear we might see you this weekend!! Yay! And by the way, wan't that such a great weekend at the cabin? We had the best time and loved it that you were there! See you soon!

::David and Erin:: said...

Congratulations Jay and Mel on Dental School! It was so nice to see you in Cedar a few weeks back. Lennix is getting so big and Jensen is adorable!

What's your email address and we'll send you an invite to our little family blog? No kids to report about just yet, but we post on our adventures from time-to-time.

Hope you're all doing well!

Lacy said...

Jay and Mel,
This is Jay's Cousin Lacy. I was say Talbot on another blog adn decided to check it out and loan behold it was someone I know. I am so excited for you to go to Ohio that will be cool. I hope that is is ok to add you to my blog buddies to see what you guys are up to. I am so excited! If you would like my blog is

Hope all is well!

Eardley Fam said...

What a beautiful family!! You look so great and congrats on dental school! You will have a blast! I would love to catch up with you more!
Brooke Eardley

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Nachelle said...

Congrats you guys. We'll miss you up here in Portland (where you should be). The family looks great, even Jay. Talk to you later. Chad

Megan said...

Hi Talbot family! It's Brad and Megan Wyatt. We found your blog on David and Erin Brown's blog. Your family is just too sweet. We are so glad you are doing well. Check out our blog at:

Scott, Brooke, & Mason said...

Hey! How funny that I found your blog! Your kids are so stinkin cute! I remember sitting at dr gatherums office waiting and you were there trying to describe child birth to me. It was HORRIBLE! And I had a c-section anyway! But you were right! I was totally worth it! You look so good in your pictures too. Check our little guy out on our blog okay! It was good to see you....or your blog!
Brooke Bryner