This picure is sure to make you smile. At COSI (the Columbus science center) they handed out these glasses for the all the kids to draw on. Lennix was so proud of his that he wore them most of the time.

Rub a dub dub two stripe Jammied boys in the tub. Lennix's hair is so long. This is the time that Jay would say that I need to cut it before he starts looking like a girl. In this picture, I kind of see his point. Sorry Lennix!

I have a few other pictures to post of this but in short, it was our week to watch all the kids for date night. Well, Jensen came around my back and fell onto the leg of the chair I was sitting on. he completely cut open his eye and my wonderful friend Tabbi took all of our kids we were watching (she was also watching kids for her date night!) and we cruised to the Children's Hospital. 5 hours later at almost 12:00 at night they just put some ointment and tape on his eye and sent us home. We are glad we went just to make sure he was okay but we hope we never have to do that again. Poor Jensen!

It just makes me laugh to see that most of these pictures that I am posting of Jensen looks like we torcher our child!! This one was completely Lennix's doing. I noticed that the bathroom door was shut and I came into Lennix dipping his entire hand into to Vaseline bottel and smothering Jensens head in it. This is what his hair looked like for about three days.

Your boys are so cute! I wish you guys lived closer and we could totally hang out. Our boys would just love each other!
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