I might get in trouble for posting this but I don't care because I am so proud of Jay. I completely caught him reviewing his grade for one of his classes and had to take a picure of it. The reason for the picutre is because Jay has a teacher that prides himself on never giving perfect scores. . .

Well, this is Jay reluctantly showing me his PERFECT SCORE of 4.0. He was the only one is his entire class to get that grade. He's amazing!

Even though he got that awesome score there is always something else that needs to get done. I think they should give him a little time off to actually enjoy his grade :). Well, Jay needed a little bit more time on his preps so he brought some things home and used the kitchen as his dental lab. I thought it was great.

This was not quite finished but I thought it looked really good. Jay probably thinks I'm nuts that I want to take a picture of everthing but I'm sure he will one day thank me.

Go Jay!!! That's awesome!
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