Back to our home in Ohio! We miss our family but it's always good to be in your own home!

Hello . . .? Do I hear the 70's calling.

I have to say this is a pretty good Hitler face. Oh, wait, he still looks too nice :)

Jensen had had enough

On of my favorite things to do with the family!!

Game on!

We took our kids on a hay ride through Layton park to see the lights. It was sure cold but worth it.
Two of my sisters Beth and Steph with their babes Indy and Alec.
If you couldn't tell in his eyes, Jay loves his boys
My cute parents with Beth's Lauren
The whole clan at the end of the ride. It was so short that we didn't want to get off. The driver actully decided to take us around one more time, fee of charge. I thought that was very sweet of him.
Christmas in July? Hey whenever you can do it...right? Darling pictures and what a cute family you have.
Melani--I was so excited to come across your blog!!! Your boys are absolutely adorable, I can't believe how big they are, it seems like we were just working in the office at Canterbury together and you were pregnant with your first... time has gone so quickly! Hope everything is well and life is happy!
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