Opening up some presents with Jensen

Jasen vs Lennix. I just didn't take a picture when Lennix took him out! :)

Christmas Jammies

Opening presents on Christmas Eve

Lennix and his cousin Ash wrestling. I think we've taught Lennix how to wrestle a little too well but Ash loved it! Her face is classic.

Singing Christmas Carols at my parents on Christmas Eve

Love those blue eyes

One of my favorite traditions. Playing the Christmas Carols with Chimes

We never make it through a song with out someone forgetting their number and everyone laughing

A little smooch in the back yard by the forrest while we had a bond fire and burned all the boxes and wrapping. I love my Jay Baby!

Troy and Daph. Such a great couple

This is my cousin's son after he volunteered to be dressed up like santa. I think this was one of the best games that I have played at a family party. My sister Beth gave each of our groups three rolls of crate paper -Red, White, and Green. She gave us a certain amount of time to dress our Santa. . . May the best Santa win.
I am still kicking myself for not getting my Grandpa in this picture. He won best santa with no contest. But, I have to say he had some pretty tough competition. Those are some of my neices and my cousins kids and yes, that is my Bro. Jasen Rock'n out as Santa in the back.
This was the best part. They basically mauled Jasen and tore his "santa suite" to shreds. It was so much fun to watch.
Steph came up with our other game. Each of us was a letter and Steph had a list of all the words that could be made out of these four letters. As she read the word we had to place our selves in the right spot to spell the word. It was really confusingly funny. We got pretty competitive :). I love games that involve everyone.
A darling picture of my sister Daph holding my Jensen
I love my little family!!
My mom was so cute to take our kids home after the family party and told us to go out and have fun with my siblings. We decided to go bowling.
My sister Beth and her Lauren. She loves her momma.
After we realized that every lane was taken at the bowling alley we decided to go to my brother Jarem's house to play rock band. Way better anyway!
It was probably pushing 12:00 and Lauren was awake as could be. She's a partier. I thought this was so cute as she wanted to play with the boys.
Another picture of the family band
I was just scoping out your blog. Your family has always had so much fun together. I love it! How are you doing?
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