Sunday, September 5, 2010

Spring into Summer

Happy Mothers Day 2010!
It just so happened that Mitch was pitching on Mother's Day this year so we decided to drive up and go to church with them and then spend the afternoon at the ballpark. It was pretty nice because both the boys were really tired and took a nap during the game. Pretty unusual, but we got to pay really good attention to the game for a while. I thought these pictures were really sweet.
After the game Mitch and Julie took us to Lake Erie. It was so beautiful and Jensen and I had a good time playing on the rocks.
A few pictures that I took while we were there.

Such a great picture of Jay and our Boys
Mitch, Julie and their baby Ace :)

Girls Night Out in Easton
While I have lived here in Columbus I have made some really great friends. The only bad thing is that most of them are only here for school so needless to say each year I have to say goodbye to some really great girls and their families. Before a bunch of them left in May and June we decided to have a big girls night out. It really was one of the most fun nights I've had. I felt like I was in collage again just hang'n out with my girlfriends.
We started the night with a scavenger hunt all around the Easton Mall (Thanks Trinette, that was one of the highlights of the night!) We had to find and do certain things and take pictures of them or places that we were at. If you can imagine I was about 6 months pregnant and of course I wanted our team to win so we seriously ran almost the whole time. I was sweating bullets! :) We did finish first but we did not do the last clue correct so the other team won :( It was so much fun. Here are a few pictures.
FYI: We were supposed to spell Godiva with our bodies. I love that Lauralee is doing the G backwards and yes we used my belly as the D :) I should have put my hand up it would have made more sense.

This is the picture where we thought we won but we did not notice that we had to do the famous OHIO with our hands IN the fountain. so, that is why the other team one. We still counted ourselves as the REAL winners :).

After the scavenger hunt we went to the Cheesecake Factory. YUM!! It was really fun just sitting and chatting about where people were moving to, reminiscing, and just enjoying our time together without any distractions :)
We all went back to Trinette's and played games. The night ended perfectly with a thunderstorm. Some of us actually stayed at Trinette's until 3am talking. I loved every minute!
This was actually the beginning of our Girls Night but I wanted a picture of all of us that went. I really do miss the girls that moved but I'm glad that some of us still get to hang out. Thanks for such a memorable night!

Jensen Rides a Big Boy Bike!

We were out playing in front of our apartments and the boys were doing the usual- playing with friends and Lennix would take off on his McQueen bike and Jensen would follow on his trike. Well, I watched as Jensen decides to go over to Brooklyn's bike (he's never rode it before, just the trike) Jumps on and starts riding it like he's been doing it for a long time. I ran upstairs and got my camera. It was awesome. I couldn't believe how big my little boy was getting so fast. So here are pictures of his first time on a big boy bike.

Just some pictures of the progession of our planter garden. Lennix gets just as excited about it as I do.

Last days of Preschool before the summer. This is all the kids during playtime after preschool. I thought it was really cute that they all piled on the bunk beds and played there almost the whole half hour.
Washing there hands before snack time. Lennix's face is great.
My number that day was 10 so for one of the activities I tried to see if the kids could fit 10 marshmellows in their mouth (okay 4 big ones and the rest were the small ones). They loved it though. Savanna and Lennix were the winners.
Doing the ice cream counting game.
I had so much fun teaching preschool this year. Not only do I feel like I was able to help teach these 6 adorable kids but I learned so much myself!! I'm sure Lennix was excited for summer but he sure misses preschool.


Ashley said...

Mel! I have LOVED getting caught up on your blog - oh I can't believe Baby #3 is on their way so soon! Crazy!!!!! And SOO Fun. Looks like you & your cute family have been keeping busy. I love it.

Hey, I can't find your email address anywhere in my emails and I don't see it on your blog here, so will you email me with it? I have a question I need to ask you about some music...random, I know. But email me at ashleyrencher[at]gmail[dot]com K? I'd So appreciate it!! Thanks girl!