We have been so spoiled this Halloween and I have to say that I have never tired out of a holiday but this year I was more than ready to pack up my Halloween decor and put my house back to normal. As a family we went to two friend Halloween parties, a ward trunk or treat, preschool party, and hosted a party at our house all of which we dressed up for. So much fun!! I have posted so many pictures because of course I have a picture fetish and have to document everything so I hope you enjoy ALL of the pics.
Lennix and Jensen looked so cute that I had to take a picture by our not-yet-carved pumpkins.
Lennix and Mason were our entertainment during our friend Allyson's party. I have to say that Lennix smoked him!! :)
Oh, I laughed so hard when I told Lennix to give me a scary face for a picture. It couldn't have turned out more perfect.

Doesn't Jay look so great. His costume will make more sense when you see him next to me in some later pictures.

Are they not the cutest Firemen you've ever seen? They loved that they wore their costumes almost a week straight. There were just so many parties to wear them to. I would put them in their jammies, wash their costumes and they were back in them the next day.

Right before we went to the party we heard Lennix and Jensen laughing together in the office. I had to grab my camera. Lennix would press something on Jay's phone and when the picture would pop up he would scream and fall back and then Jensen would do the exact same thing and then they would just laugh together. It was so cute!

It was Lennix's first real Trick or Treat. We met up with a bunch of friends and then found the Birds (in the picture) and went Trick or Treating in their neighborhood. It is such a nice neighborhood and it felt like everyone was in the Halloween spirit. One of their neighbors even put together a pretty good haunted house in their front yard. I don't think Jensen liked it very much. He looked horrified the whole time we walked through it and I think he was too afraid to cry. Lennix got scared but Liz (the girl holding Lennix's hand) was so good to him and he felt safe with her. She was so great to stay with Lennix almost the entire night. I have to say the best part of this picture is William. He is perfectly in character!!

Jay and Andy sporting Pedro's wig. Those are some sweet beards!! Too bad you had to shave yours Andy!

Oh, this makes me laugh. It looks like Jay should be wearing skin tight pants and a skinny tie. he would make a perfect Emo. Andy you look pretty tough.

Are they not the cutest Firemen you've ever seen? They loved that they wore their costumes almost a week straight. There were just so many parties to wear them to. I would put them in their jammies, wash their costumes and they were back in them the next day.
The Millers little girls all ready to go trick or treating. Why is it that I don't get to ride in a wagon and be pushed around all night getting candy. I can see why kids love this holiday.

Our ward has an Annual "Trick or Trunk" at the church. I wanted to wear a different costume so I crimped my hair and threw on everything that did not go together to make me into a nerd. Lennix's tie was a perfect touch. Side Story: I came out from getting ready and I had this whole costume on and I thought it was so cute when Lennix looked at me and looked at my entire outfite and then he said "Momma, your socks are crazy." Of all the things I was wearing he noticed my socks! I thought it was funny.

Our finished pumpkins!! Lennix was so proud of his witch's pumkin. He really did help me carve it out.

They loved all the gew and grime that came out of the pumpkins. I just noticed the great big knife that is sitting in fron of the pumkins.:)

This was at our friends the Warcups and McBrides Halloween party. Jensen and Kaleen took turns giving each other rides.

Tabby's costume was awesome!! I can't believe I did not get their whole "White Trash" family. This is us looking tough. But don't let my costume fool you, I could take ya!

Isn't this such a great picture. I am so glad that we dressed up as this. It worked out better than I expected and Jay was great to play the character so well and let me make him look old. I do have to say it was hard to keep a straight face.

Lennix painting his pumpkin. He could not wait until Jensen went to sleep so that he could get started and he was not finished until every bit was covered in paint.

My Young Women who I get to serve wanted to decorate a trunk for the "Trick or Trunk" for our ward party. It turned out so well and I think the all the girls were really proud of it. It won "Most Creative" at the party. Their hard work paid off and the spider was awesome.
The beginnings of the spider.
Your costumes were fabulous! Glad we got to see you on Halloween!
Cute costumes! Yes I am glad to be done with Halloween this year too, but can't wait to see what you guys thought of for costumes next year.
You guys are very cute. Fun customes. I love your decor on your front porch
I loove Halloween! I love when parents aren't too cool to dress up with thier kids! That pitchfork picture made me laugh out loud!
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